Sue Wahl

OT Reg (Ont)


As an Occupational Therapist specializing in children, I love to support families and kids to lay a foundation of emotional flexibility and resilience that will last them a lifetime. It's incredibly rewarding to have kids love to come to appointments, to watch them grow in their confidence in discussing their feelings and their behaviour, and to equip parents to build a peaceful and thriving family. Because our clinic is full of fun, sensory-rich activities and equipment, children can stay regulated while talking about difficult subjects. I have extra training in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Acceptance and Committment Therapy, and Collaborative-Problem Solving, as well as more traditional OT topics such as picky eating, sensory integration, ADHD and Autism.

Services Available

Anger Management, Anxiety, Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Disorders, Autism, Behavioural Issues, Child Therapy, Learning Disability, Sleep

Modality/Therapeutic Approach

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Exposure Therapy, Mindfulness Based Therapy


74 Ainslie St S, Cambridge, ON, Canada

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