HST Exemption from Psychotherapy Services

July 15, 2024

***CRA Releases Guidelines on HST Exemption***

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has just released the guidelines:

“Clarifying the new GST/HST exemption for psychotherapy and counselling therapy services”

In brief, the guidance is that as of June 20, 2024, psychotherapy and counselling therapy services provided by licensed professionals are exempt from HST, provided they are within the scope of practice of the professional’s regulatory body.

Each member’s practice is unique, and specific circumstances may vary. For personalized advice, please consult your financial advisor or accountant.

We value receiving your comments and questions to this topic, will continue to monitor closely, and will provide updates here, on this webpage. 


July 15 - CRA Guidelines on HST exemption:

"Clarifying the new GST/HST exemption for psychotherapy and counselling therapy services"

To contact CRA directly: 1-800-959-5525


Other Resources:

The following Canada Revenue Agency links provide information about the counselling therapy or psychotherapy services & practitioners who will be exempt from charging HST/GST:

November 21, 2023 was a momentous day!

In its fall economic statement, the federal government finally listened to the OAMHP – and countless other voices - and has committed to removing GST/HST from psychotherapeutic services!

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Previous HST Advocacy Work

Support the Bill to remove the HST!

Update: February 22, 2023

Bill 61 - Making Psychotherapy Services Tax-Free Act

On February 21, 2023, NDP MPPs Jill Andrew and France Gélinas introduced Bill 61, Making Psychotherapy Services Tax-Free Act into the provincial legislature for its first reading.

To show support, we encourage you to sign the petition here. Please also read this page for help to contact your local MPP.

On February 10, 2023, NDP MPPs Jill Andrew (Toronto—St. Paul's) and France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) held a press conference to announce re-tabling of their co-sponsored bill: Make Psychotherapy Tax-Free Act, 2023.  

They were joined by Maryann Istiloglu, OAMHP's Executive Director, and RPs Caroline Rosta and Ashley Miller. 

The Bill’s aim: Remove the unfair tax treatment levied against Registered Psychotherapists who are the only regulated mental health professionals that have to charge their clients 13% in HST.  

The two MPPs re-tabled the Private Members’ Bill on February 21, 2023. It was first tabled back in April 2022. 

Talking points:

  • An additional HST charge puts mental health care further out of reach of vulnerable Ontarians who need therapy. With the additional tax, psychotherapy is only available to a fortunate few who can afford to pay.

  • Removal of the tax would expand the range of mental health care.  Registered psychotherapists, in particular, have unique approaches to therapy which partners with the full spectrum of mental health care.

  • Mental health professionals are trained to support different mental health needs, depending on a whole variety of factors. There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to assessing, diagnosing, treating and supporting mental health challenges.

  • Without psychotherapy, Ontarians are not getting the full benefit of all forms of mental health care. We need psychotherapy to be fully represented in the mix. 

More from the press conference

Watch the February 21, 2023 re-tabling of Bill 61: Making Psychotherapy Tax Free Act:

Read the February 10, 2023 press release here: https://www.ontariondp.ca/news/mpps-andrew-and-g-linas-call-psychotherapy-services-be-tax-free-remove-13-hst 

Watch the February 10, 2023 press conference video here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PCdY6MwQpOyhsI6RBiYdCK6NQX2GyRfa/view  

How you can take action

1. Share the NDP's petition to end the HST and increase access to mental health care for all Ontarians: https://www.ontariondp.ca/psychotherapy-services

2. Encourage your local MPP to vote for this Private Members’ Bill. Click here for the MPP locator tool.

Script of message you can use 

I am calling/writing to ask that you support Bill 61 - Making Psychotherapy Tax-Free Act, 2023. It was introduced on February 21, 2023. 

The Bill’s aim is for the HST to be removed from therapy services provided by Registered Psychotherapists.  

Since the pandemic, there has been an increased need for mental health care in Ontario. An additional HST charge makes it difficult for people to get help.

We need a full spectrum of mental health professionals to support the growing range of mental health supports needed by a vastly diverse population. A tax on one place is an unnecessary barrier, is a burden on access and is counter intuitive to a team approach.

Your support is essential to getting this unfair tax removed, and to ensuring better health care for all Ontarians.