Megan McIntosh


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Accepting New Patients
Remote Service Available


Megan is a highly skilled psychometrist with significant experience in administering and interpreting psychological tests. Throughout her career, Megan has gained expertise in administering a wide range of psychological tests, including intelligence, personality, achievement, developmental, behavioural, social emotional, and neuropsychological tests. Her experience has taken place in private practice and a non-for-profit, in addition to collaborations with school boards and research institutes. Megan is committed to using psychological testing to help individuals better understand their strengths and weaknesses and to develop strategies for personal and professional growth. She has extensive experience working with individuals of all ages, from young children to older adults. In addition to administering tests, Megan is skilled in interpreting test results and providing clients with clear and meaningful feedback. She is able to identify patterns in test scores and connect them to broader psychological concepts, such as cognitive functioning, emotional regulation, and interpersonal dynamics.

Services Available

Adolescent, Anxiety, Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Disorders, Depression, Diagnostic Assessment, Gifted, Learning Development, Learning Disability

Modality/Therapeutic Approach


816 Southdown Rd, Mississauga, ON L5J 2Y4, Canada

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