Brian Allison

B.A., M.A., M.Div., D.Min.

Languages Spoken

Accepting New Patients
Remote Service Available


Dr. Brian Allison (B.A., M.A., M.Div, D.Min.) is the Executive Director and therapeutic counsellor at Maranatha Counseling Services, Toronto. He is a member in good standing with OACCPP, and was a Clinical Affiliate with Homewood Human Solutions (formerly Homewood Employee Health) for 9 years. He has over 30 years of counselling and teaching experience, as a professor, speaker, and clinician. He is a trained spiritual director and mentor, and has lectured and spoken extensively. He has a passion for empowering and equipping people in being true to themselves and to their true nature. His graduate degrees are from St. Michaels College in the University of Toronto, and Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA. As a Seminary professor of Counselling and Apologetics (1987 – 2003), he equipped and trained many Christians for pastoral and people-helping ministries. He has also supervised Seminary Counselling Interns. He is the author of many works, among which are The Christian and Anxiety and The Essential Elements of Effective Change.

Services Available

Modality/Therapeutic Approach


200 Finch Avenue, West, Unit 108, M2R 3W4

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