Anneke Fischer-Fay


Languages Spoken


Accepting New Patients


Anneke had over 25 years of experience in school psychology before entering private practice, where she sees children, adolescents, and families. Anneke assesses children and adolescents for learning difficulties, behavioural challenges, attention deficit disorders, and for autism. Anneke also sees children for therapy using behavioural as well as cognitive strategies. Anneke has experience working within an Indigenous community.

Services Available

Adolescent, Anger Management, Anxiety, Attachment, Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Disorders, Bereavement, Behavioural Issues, Child Therapy, Family, Gifted, Learning Development, Learning Disability, LGBTQ2+, Self Confidence, Stress

Modality/Therapeutic Approach

Client-centred Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Areas of Psychological Practice

Counselling Psychology, School Psychology


320 Osgoode Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada

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