Carrie Becker


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Accepting New Patients
Remote Service Available


Registered Social Service Worker and End of Life Doula with over 18 years of experience working as a mental health professional, with specific training in forensics and risk management. Professional focus is: Caregiver Advisor, Aging in Place Consultant, End of Life Doula and mental health counsellor, with a focus on grief and bereavement as well as caregiver related issues such as stress, burnout and depression. Other credentials include: Certified Professional Consultant on Aging, Certified Dementia Care Provider, Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist and Senior Home Safety Consultant.

Services Available

Anger Management, Anxiety, Attachment, Attention Deficit Disorder, Bereavement, Bi-polar, Bullying, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Family, Financial Stress, Life Skills, Post-Traumatic Stress, Relationships, Self Confidence, Sleep, Stress, Web-Based Services, Workplace Stress

Modality/Therapeutic Approach

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Brief Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness Based Therapy, Spiritual / Religious


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