Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, September 28th 7:00pm

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members of the OAMHP will be held by virtual means, via Zoom.

The Annual Report will be provided in advance to allow for questions and comments to be submitted for collation prior to the meeting.
It is required that an Annual General Meeting be held of the membership:

  • To receive and consider the Annual Report, the Financial Statements, and the reports of the Committees of the Board of Directors;
  • To confirm Officers and Directors-at-Large for 2021/2022;
  • To appoint auditors and authorize the Board of Directors to fix the auditor’s remuneration;
  • To review and approve amendments to the By-laws of the Association.

Given that the meeting will be held through a virtual platform, pre-registration is required to confirm attendance and quorum.
Please register for the event through your member’s portal.
To ensure the business of the Association can be appropriately conducted, if you are unable to attend, please assign a proxy by completing this form and returning to OAMHP via fax (416-298-9593) or email (