About CRPO’s Case-Based Assessment

About CRPO's Case-Based Assessment

We've excerpted a few details from the CRPO website for those scheduled to take the Case-Based Assessment in Fall 2023 or 2024.

The QA Program is designed to encourage Registered Psychotherapists to be self-reflective and think critically about their practice, their professional growth, and their obligations as regulated health professionals.

All registered health professionals are expected to participate in the QA Program, as required by the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA).

The QA program consists of three main components:

1) Self-assessment and professional development: required by every registrant.

2) Peer and practice review activities including
i) case based assessment
ii) self-directed review
iii) peer-assisted review and assessment

3) Remedial education, as directed by the Quality Assurance Committee.

About the Case Based Assessment (CBA)

The objective of a peer and practice review (PPR) is to help CRPO registrants assess their knowledge, skill and judgment in key areas of professional practice and identify ways to improve and maintain quality of care.

The PPR is an assessment and coaching process that guides registrants on where to focus their professional development efforts.

The first stage of the PPR for all registrants is to complete the CBA. Depending on the CBA result, registrants will receive guidance for professional development that is one of the following:

  • self-directed;
  • self-directed with suggested resources and reporting requirements; or
  • peer-assisted with support from a peer coach or College staff

Registrants with low scores on the CBA might be at risk of not understanding or demonstrating the Standards in their practice. These registrants will proceed to the second stage of the PPR and participate in a peer-assisted practice review.

To get more information on the CBA process, along with a comprehensive FAQ, visit the CRPO website: https://www.crpo.ca/ppr-faq/